Grand Island Mansion to Montezuma Hills Road

Star Rating Graphic (4) 53 kms
vsp | Kwiecień 23, 2011 | Ameryka > Stany Zjednoczone > California Trasy Motocyklowe > CA - Sonoma/Napa/Yolo/Sacremento/Amador/...
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Kwiecień 23, 2011 - Star Rating Graphic

This Ride starts at a Mansion in the middle of the Sacramento Delta. It then crosses on a pulley ferry to Ryer Island and some levee roads. One boat ferry crossing off of Ryer Island puts you just north of Rio Vista, Then through Rio Vista to the not well known Montezuma Hills Road. It winds through a windmill farm or two. And it ends in the small burg of Bird's Landing. From Bird's Landing you can back track to Rio Vista and have a meal at The Point seafood restaurant of at Foster's Bighorn restaurant.

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