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Posted on Maj 17, 2022 by FerKjl
Posted on Maj 17, 2022 by FerKjl (Member Score: 0)

Hello everyone. I'm starting to plan a long tour of the Balkans for early fall. I plan to leave home in Eastern Switzerland and visit (in this order) Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and return via Croatia and Italy. I'm shooting for short driving days (around 300km in average), with only one exception (the first day). So far it looks like this:

Day 1 (650km): drive to Ljubljana via Val Mustair - Merano - Jaufenpass - Silian - Maria Lugau - Hermagor - Korensko Sedlo. If I see that I'm too tired, I may stop a bit past the halfway point there and overnight.
Day 2 (150km): Sightseeing most of the day in Ljubljana, and drive out a few hours before the evening so I can get to Zagreb (150km) when there's still daylight
Day 3 (400km): Sightseeing in the morning, lunch, then head off for Sarajevo in the late afternoon, as it's a long-ish drive (around 400km), which I'd take very easy with lots of small breaks in the countryside. Lots of small rural roads. I'll very likely stop for the night before reaching the city.
Day 4 (~250km): Sarajevo sightseeing in the morning (already know the city, I just want to "reminesce" a bit), and start the drive towards the coast in Croatia mid-afternoon. It's 250km to Split; perhaps I'll get there, or stop on the way. It's again mostly small local roads.
Day 5 (350km): I'll walk around Split a bit, as it seems really small but beautiful. This is the long return drive, which I think I'll split in 3 days. The total distance back home is 1'100km, so I planned to do 400km on day 1 along the coast (supposedly the most scenic part of the trip), and overnight in Rijeka (Croatia). I will probably enjoy the crazy winding road and stop quite often.
Day 6 (~400km): Drive as much as I feel like; overnight in or around Trento
Day 7 (~300km): Get back home via Lake Como

There's plently of flexibility built into the schedule, and I might take shorter or longer here and there, depending on road quality, traffic, etc.

Alternatively I will skip day 7 completely and drive from Rijeka (Croatia) across Slovenia to Villach (Austria) on day 6, load the bike on the night train (loading time starts at 9:30 PM, train leaves before midnight), and sleep the last 600km or so to Feldkirch, which is only 20min. away from my place. This depends only on how desperate I am to sleep on my own bed again.

What do you all think about the idea? Any thoughts, recommendations, warnings?

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Posted on Czerwiec 13, 2022 by capona (Member Score: 0)

i do a part of your itinerary last year.
for me don't go by the road coast after sibenik. too much people in the road and you'll see only house bars hostel and not the sea.
if you can go to montenegro to see kotor
and the city of mostar is a must in bosnia

Posted on Czerwiec 22, 2022 by FerKjl (Member Score: 0)

Great information, Capona, albeit very disappointing. I was under the (wrong) impression that the whole road was scenic and beautiful. What alternative road would you recommend to do the way back from Sibenik?

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